Author name: kphiloch

Hi, I’m King Phils, a Dragon Fruit enthusiast and blogger. Welcome to my website, where I share everything I know and love about this amazing fruit.

The Papaya Paradise

Are you curious about the English name for the tropical fruit papaya? In this article, you’ll discover how the delicious and nutritious papaya is known in the English language. Knowing this English translation will not only increase your vocabulary but also help you communicate effectively when discussing exotic fruits or preparing recipes. So, get ready …

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Dabai: The Nutritious and Medicinal Fruit of Southeast Asia

“Dabai”, also known as Canarium odontophyllum, is an indigenous plant native to the Southeast Asian countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. This astringent fruit, a proud member of the Burseraceae family, is primarily cultivated and enjoyed in its native region. Despite its relative obscurity on the global stage, dabai is a highly nutritious fruit that offers …

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